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Episode 3: Sara Hamis

Show notes:

…where we talk about a paper, studying: how cancer drugs work on cells in a layer vs. cells in a ball

In her own words, Sara Hamis is: a mathematician who studies cancer. “My research focuses on understanding how the behavior of individual cells affects tumours as a whole. I am fuelled by grueling workouts, lady boss anthems, and terrible math puns.”

Sara was awarded the Lee A Segel Prize for the Best Paper published in The Bulletin of Mathematical Biology: Targeting Cellular DNA Damage Responses in Cancer: An In Vitro-Calibrated Agent-Based Model Simulating Monolayer and Spheroid Treatment Responses to ATR-Inhibiting Drugs.

Join us to learn more about the work in this paper describing models of DNA-damaging drug effects on cancer cells in a flat layer in a dish, and cancer cells in a sphere.

Follow Sara on Twitter: @hamiscalculated

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